Our Team

We’re Building a Better Construction Experience

At RKA Construction our team members take a personalized approach to our projects offering a boutique experience for our residential and commercial clients. Our dedicated team approach is efficient and service-oriented, creating an effective team and satisfied clients.

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Austin Aldridge

Assistant Superintendent

Ryan Anderson

Ryan Anderson


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Izaac Aramowicz

Superintendent | Field Operations Coordinator

Wesley Ashley, Project Manager

Wesley Ashley

Project Manager

Wesley Ashley, Project Manager

Ryan Barnett


Caroline Berry

Nolan Berheim


Caroline Berry

Caroline Berry

Business Accountant

Caroline Berry

Julia Bey

Director of Operations

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Anita Bray

Administrative and Accounting Coordinator

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Jeff Bryant

Assistant Superintendent

Ann Cooper

Ann Cooper

Director of Marketing and Communications

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Daniel Crosby

Assistant Superintendent

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Kevin Cubbins

Project Manager

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Sean Dial


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Chelsea Ellis

Project Manager

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Jonathan Evans


Kip Gordon, Project Manager

Stuart Glassel


Kip Gordon, Project Manager

Benjamin Gomez


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Miguel Gonzalez


Kip Gordon, Project Manager

Nemo Gonzalez


Kip Gordon, Project Manager

Kip Gordon

Project Manager

Greg Green, General Superintendent

Greg Green

General Superintendent

Earl Grochau, Chief Financial Officer

Earl Grochau

Chief Financial Officer

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Carlos Gudino

Assistant Superintendent

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Thomas Gudino

Assistant Superintendent

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Steve Harris


Patrick Johnston

Patrick Johnston

Executive Vice President, Commercial

Walt Kearney, Project Manager

Jessica Lee

Project Manager

Carter Mackie, Assistant Superintendent

Hunter Levengood


Carter Mackie, Assistant Superintendent

Teo Lopez


Carter Mackie, Assistant Superintendent

Carter Mackie

Project Manager

Carter Mackie, Assistant Superintendent

Harry Marx


Doug McClelland, Superintendent

Doug McClelland

Oxford General Superintendent

Doug McClelland, Superintendent

Britton McGuire


Doug McClelland, Superintendent

Doug Meeks

Pickwick Superintendent

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Josh Mogle

VP, Residential Division

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Chase Moore

Assistant Superintendent

James Poe, Superintendent

Robb Nimmo

Pickwick Superintendent

James Poe, Superintendent

Christopher O'Neal

Commercial Accountant

James Poe, Superintendent

Richard Patterson

Assistant Superintendent

James Poe, Superintendent

Swayze Pillow

Project Manager

James Poe, Superintendent

James Poe


James Poe, Superintendent

Logan Powers

Assistant Superintendent

Logan Ray, Project Manager

Logan Ray

Senior Project Manager

Cindy Rial, Controller

Cindy Rial


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Trevor Rosenberg

Assistant Superintendent

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Zach Shoe

Project Manager

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Kristen Wakefield

Preconstruction Administrative Assistant

Alex Wellford, Superintendent

Alex Wellford


Jim Williams, Superintendent

Jim Williams

Oxford Manager